Moshe Synagogue (Jewish Refugee Museum), Shanghai, China

Parashat Pequdei (פקודי – Inventories) Exodus: 38:21–40:38

The parasha Peqoudei gives the inventory of the raw materials used for the construction of the Tabernacle, then describes the making of the sacerdotal vestments and the consecration of the priests. The book of Exodus ends with the manifestation of Divine Glory in the completed sanctuary.

7 Adar (Thursday March 10, 2022) Moché Rabenou’s Hiloula
(הילולא from הלל – to praise, to glorify, to exalt, to cry out with joy and fear).
May his merit protect the entire community of Israel.

The community was founded in 1907 by Russian immigrants. Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi, Chief Rabbi of Shanghai, supports the creation of a new space. In 1927, an existing building was transformed and named the Moses Synagogue (摩西会堂 – pinyin Móxī huìtáng). In the 1930s, some 20,000 German and Austrian Jews found refuge in Shanghai. In 1937, Japan occupied Chinese territory, but not Shanghai’s international concessions. In December 1941, the Japanese occupied the entire city and imposed restrictions on the Jews. In 1943, the Jews were rounded up in the Shanghai ghetto, forcing them to live there. In 1949, the synagogue was seized by the communist government and converted into a psychiatric hospital, and most of the Jews left Shanghai. In 2004, the Moshe Synagogue was added to Shanghai’s architectural heritage list. In 2007, the government restored the synagogue to its original architectural style and transformed it into a museum. A few residential buildings from the ghetto period still stand around the old synagogue.

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