Terenure Synagogue, Dublin, Ireland


Emor (אמֹר – said), Leviticus 21:1 to 24:23

The passage begins with specific laws for priests and rules regarding service in the Temple. The second part gives the liturgical calendar: Shabbat (23.3), Passover (23.5), Omer (23.10), Shavuot (23.16), Rosh Hashanah (23.24), Yom Kippur (23.27), Sukkot (23.34), Shmini Atzeret (23.36) And an allusion to Hanukkah (24.2 – pure oil of crushed olives, for a light) and an allusion to Purim (24.14 – with the part of the blasphemer who, like the manna, ended up hanging1)

The building designed by Irish architect Wilfred Cantwell was inaugurated in 1953. The stained glass windows refer to Sabbaths and holidays.

1 We stone the blasphemer and then hang him (Sanhedrin Chapter 6, Subsection 4)

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